Sunday, July 26, 2009

Professor? Shaw

Well I am about 2.5 weeks into my return to Kabul and it has been work, work, and guess what, more work. That is good though as time flies relatively fast when you are busy. I have been working on my syllabi for fall, getting things ready in the residence halls, getting ready for orientation, and all of that. Did I say working on my syllabi for fall. Syllabi for those that do not know is the multiple of syllabus. I have said in the past that I would like to get more and more involved with teaching and I am. I have 2 sections of one course and two more courses on my plate for fall. I will be teaching Intro to Digital Photography and Intro to Leadership both of which I will schedule for Saturday. That means a 6 day work week for me in the fall. That will amp up the work but will also make time fly as the days off are the hardest, really. It also means extra pay as I have been promised overload pay for the extra hours put in. That means my vacation for the holidays is technically paid as a reward for working so hard. I can deal with that, I think. Plus, with working so hard the holidays will be just around the corner.

Just think, one month and 5 days and I am over 1/2 way done with my 18 month contract. It is hard to believe really. Seems like just yesterday I was announcing to my friends and family that I was headed to Afghanistan for an 18 month hump. Soon it will be time to think about contract negotiations. Some have asked me if I will renew. As I have said who knows at this point. It is too early to really say. Several factors among the many will come to play. The first of which is security in Afghanistan. The second is financial/job security. The third being mental state of mind. Any of those could go down the tubes, who know. Regardless, come January it will be time to throw my hat in the ring and start looking around. By then I hope that the economy has bounced back at least enough for hiring freezes at colleges and universities to be lifted. Come tough financial times often folks look to better themselves by getting of completing a degree and therefore enrollment usually goes up. January will be the perfect time to ride that wave.

Enough for now....time to get back to work.