Friday, March 13, 2009

Spring Has Sprung --- Almost

So spring, I think, has sprung in Kabul. While we still have a bit of snow on the mountains surrounding us, the highs here are now steadily in the mid 60's. It still gets a bit chilly at night so the blankets are still on the bed and the heater still runs during the night. However, today I was out in shirt sleeves and returned home to slide on a tank and some shorts to lounge the day away.
Spring Break has officially started. I hate early flights but I am on one tomorrow. Dubai and beyond....... While searching for things to do in Dubai, I first located the Harley dealer and that is on my list of things to do for sure. Next I went to their H.O.G. (Harley Owners Group) site and discovered that the last two days of my visit to Dubai are the beginning of Dubai Bike Week. Needless to say you know where I will be winding up my Spring Break trip. I am looking forward to it. Too bad I do not have my bike here though. It will still be fun.
Since is really my first adventure out in Dubai I will be sure and snap a lot of pics of the city and also of Bike Week, The Harley Dealer, etc. etc. Until then...........