Thursday, March 18, 2010

Back in the U.S.

So I am back in the U.S. after a loooong flight.  First it was  2.5 hours to Dubai then 14.5 hours to Dulles. I admit I was dragging by the time I hit D.C. because it is hard for a big man to catch an z's on a plane.  Also 14.5 hours is rough on a smoker.  So after wading through immigration and customs, then a pretty intense security check, (thanks underwear bomber) I hit the smoking lounge, of course.  After that I had to get a move on down to another concourse.  I am moving at a pretty good step when I look to my left and I would be darned if several of the cast of my favorite t.v. show, of course a bike show, Sons of Anarchy weren't sitting there in the Dulles airport.  So I stopped in my tracks to say hi and tell them what a great show I thought it was and that I did not miss a single show even from Afghanistan.  Of course, they were very interested in what the heck I was doing in Kabul and in fact, were just returning from a USO tour in Iraq and Kuwait.  They said Afghanistan was too hot for them right now but they would get there soon.  We talked for some time and even walked a bit toward our respective gates.  They were very, very cool guys.  I must admit, I feel like I could go back to Kabul now and the trip would be a hit.  However, I still have 2.5 weeks to go so time will tell.

Thanks to the SOA guys for being so nice and supporting our troops  -

  • Mark Boone Junior - Robert "Bobby Elvis" Munson
  • Dayton Callie - Chief Unser
  • Kim Coates - "Alex 'Tig' Trager
  • Theo Rossi - Juan Carlos "Juice" Ortiz
and last but not least
  • Mark Boone - who plays Robert "Bobby" Munson on the show